- Overhauling of card transmission with new general control motor with inverter, new gear-motor with inverter for inlet control,
new gear-motor with inverter for coiler control - New stripping cylinders with larger diameters clothed with new metallic wire clothing Graff
- Workers of the 2nd card clothed with new flexible clothing Scardassi
- Material transfer cylinder clothed with new metallic wire clothing
- Upper covers painted like new
- New raised card base (not needing pits/foundations)
- New walking surface on both left and right sides of the card
- New pneumatic opening of the hopper feeder scale
- New unloading fins cylinder to the hopper feeder (ainstead of the existing rake)
- New studded conveyor belt for hopper feeder
- N. 8 new devices for impurities scrap (for bristle removal)
- Grinding of the N. 3 grooved fins cylinders of Morel devices
- New suction plant with new suction fan and conduit connection to the devices for impurities scrap and to hopper mounted under
the material transfer cylinder - Collector with bags for filtering exhausted air and nylon bags for bristles holding
- Coiler overhauled with new belts and new bearings for material conveyance
- New net protections with N. 4 gates with safety locks
- New electric control panel with N. 5 inverters
- New electric plant on the machine already installed
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